
Website Traffic Stats – 9 Things You Need to Know

Do you need to build a website for your small business and are considering building one yourself?

If you don’t yet have one, building a small business website is very important. Unfortunately, many people think they can build it themselves. Only after making a low-quality website do they realize they would have been better off leaving it to the professionals.

If you want to learn why building a DIY website is not an ideal idea for your small business, read on. We’ll tell you what you need to know.

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The Importance Of Small Business Websites

Do you need to build a website for your small business and are considering building one yourself?

If you don’t yet have one, building a small business website is very important. Unfortunately, many people think they can build it themselves. Only after making a low-quality website do they realize they would have been better off leaving it to the professionals.

If you want to learn why building a DIY website is not an ideal idea for your small business, read on. We’ll tell you what you need to know.

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What Small Businesses Should Know About DIY Website Builders

Do you need to build a website for your small business and are considering building one yourself?

If you don’t yet have one, building a small business website is very important. Unfortunately, many people think they can build it themselves. Only after making a low-quality website do they realize they would have been better off leaving it to the professionals.

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7 Signs You Need A New Website for Your Business, founded in 1985, is the oldest website on the Internet. To keep up with modern search and user trends, they even updated their look and feel.

Many small business owners might think that web design is an unnecessary expense. Contrary to popular belief, it’s quite the opposite.

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Top 10 Reasons Why You Need A SEO-engineered Website

SEO improves your website’s visibility, traffic and ranking on search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. Additionally, it helps you create brand awareness among your target audience. Get the top ten reasons why you should invest in a website that comes with SEO…

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Facebook Pages Aren’t Replacements For Websites

Your small business needs a strong, professional online presence to promote and represent itself. Social media platforms, like Facebook, help businesses create that presence. However, relying on a Facebook page for your entire online presence can be a big mistake. Here are ten key comparisons…

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